The Jack T. Reviglio Cioppino Feed & Auction’s history in the Truckee Meadows is as rich as the seafood broth that’s served. In the Club’s early years, the Women’s Auxiliary sponsored an annual dinner to raise money for the Club. The meal varied from year to year, but in 1981, Jack Reviglio decided the Club needed a signature dish for this signature fundraiser. He knew that Bud Sorensen made great cioppino, so he called Bud, who was at the Western Nevada Supply office in Mammoth.

Not only did Jack ask Bud to make his special cioppino, but he needed it that weekend. Bud rushed home from Mammoth, pooled help from a group of friends (and a lot of sherry) and bought out almost every seafood vendor in Reno. Somehow it all came together and the 80 guests in attendance that night experienced the very first Jack T. Reviglio Cioppino Feed & Auction.

Over the next five years, the event more than doubled in size. Bob Capurro became a permanent volunteer, adding his Italian culinary expertise. Soon, the event outgrew the Club kitchen, and in 1986 and 1987, everything was cooked offsite and trucked to the Club. The kitchen was upgraded in 1988, but Cioppino was expanding full force. 

It wasn’t until 2004 that a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation provided funds for a major facility expansion, including the installation of a commercial-grade kitchen. Of course, the construction on the building was in midstream in February 2004, which meant that our volunteers had to prepare food at the Washoe County School District headquarters and transport more than 1,200 cioppino dinners to the Club. In 2005, the new kitchen was complete.  We like to say that the kitchen was built for Cioppino and just happens to work well for the kids the rest of the year.

The Cioppino Feed remains the Club’s signature fundraiser, bringing in almost 12% of our annual budget and impacting the lives of thousands of our local children. Back to help prepare an incredible Italian-inspired feast, is executive board member and owner of Roundabout Catering, Chef Colin Smith! Colin with join forces with long-time chefs Bud, Bob, and a talented team of Italian cooks. Come hungry! But the real fun comes with the live auction, where you can buy items and experiences you can’t find anywhere else!

Cioppino Feed & Auction 2023
Saturday, February 25, 2023
2680 E. 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
No Packages in Catalog Cioppino History
Cioppino History

CLICK HERE TO Sponsor A Member (SAM) TODAY! 

$1,000 - Sponsor a Member

This entry-level sponsorship makes $1,000 go a long way in the life of a Club kid. $1,000 could provide two meals each day for 125 deserving members. It could cover the cost of art supplies, sports equipment, advanced training for sta , scholarship memberships, and so much more. Please consider a $1,000 member sponsor this year.

$1,500 - Sports Leagues for 30 Budding Athletes
We offer a wide variety of sports leagues at the Club; however, they are above and beyond standard programming fees. If a child wants to join all-star basketball or Teeny Tot Soccer, the cost is $50. A donation of $1,500 would ensure 30 Club kids could participate in a sports program they otherwise couldn’t afford.

$2,000 - One Year of Before & After + Break Programming
The Club is available to kids nearly 300 days each year. The fees for families can reach $2,000 annually if their child is a full-time member and participating in field trips over the summer. No child is ever turned away due to an inability to pay, therefore a $2,000 sponsorship helps us financially support one member for an entire year at the Club- not including administrative expenses.

$2,500- STEM Kits for 30 Kids
STEM Programming- also known as Science | Technology | Engineering | Math, is part of core programming at the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows. Our members love building robots and participating in fun science experiments. A donation of $2,500 will pay for an entire Club Classroom to each work with a high-quality STEM kit during the school year.