Cioppino Feed & Auction 2023
Saturday, February 25, 2023
2680 E. 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512

Q: I'm attending Cioppino! How can I start bidding early?
A: All attendees will receive a custom link to register for the auction- many may have received it already. If you are attending with your spouse or partner, yours will be a household link and share the same bidder number. Do not share this link with anyone- it is tied to you only. If you know someone who is attending and they haven’t received their custom bidding link yet- please tell them to email

Q: I am not attending, can I still bid? 
A: Yes! Go to and click "get started"

Q: When can I start bidding on items?
A: Mobile Auction opens for bidding Wednesday, February 22, 2023. 


More questions? Email Caiti Whitfield, Special Events Director, at

CLICK HERE TO Sponsor A Member (SAM) TODAY! 

$1,000 - Sponsor a Member

This entry-level sponsorship makes $1,000 go a long way in the life of a Club kid. $1,000 could provide two meals each day for 125 deserving members. It could cover the cost of art supplies, sports equipment, advanced training for sta , scholarship memberships, and so much more. Please consider a $1,000 member sponsor this year.

$1,500 - Sports Leagues for 30 Budding Athletes
We offer a wide variety of sports leagues at the Club; however, they are above and beyond standard programming fees. If a child wants to join all-star basketball or Teeny Tot Soccer, the cost is $50. A donation of $1,500 would ensure 30 Club kids could participate in a sports program they otherwise couldn’t afford.

$2,000 - One Year of Before & After + Break Programming
The Club is available to kids nearly 300 days each year. The fees for families can reach $2,000 annually if their child is a full-time member and participating in field trips over the summer. No child is ever turned away due to an inability to pay, therefore a $2,000 sponsorship helps us financially support one member for an entire year at the Club- not including administrative expenses.

$2,500- STEM Kits for 30 Kids
STEM Programming- also known as Science | Technology | Engineering | Math, is part of core programming at the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows. Our members love building robots and participating in fun science experiments. A donation of $2,500 will pay for an entire Club Classroom to each work with a high-quality STEM kit during the school year.